Me rastin e 110 vjetorit të “Komiteti i Fshehtë për Liinë e Shqipërisë – Hapi rrugën drejt bashkimit të shqiptarëve”

Edhe pak ditë (në nëntor 2015) mbushen plotë 110 vjet të Komitetit të fshehtë për çlirimin e Shqipërisë “Ja vdekje ja liri”, në Manastir, që ka zënë një vend të nderuar në panteonin e historisë kombëtare. Një popull që nuk përkujton të kaluarën dhe nuk respekton plejadën e atdhetarëve, që sakrifikuan për kombin në kohërat më të vështira, duke falur gjërat më të shtrenjta-gjakun, djersën dhe mundin, nuk dinë të ndërtojnë të sotmen dhe as që mund ta programojnë të ardhmen.

Pak hitori për kujtesë! Komiteti i Fshehtë për Lirinë e Shqipërisë – Ja vdekje ja Liri”, është Organizatë politike-patriotike që udhëhoqi luftën e armatosur kundër sunduesve osmanë dhe qarqeve shoveniste fqinje. Organizata u formua në Manastir me nismën dhe nën kryesinë e Bajo Topullit në nëntor të vitit 1905, në të cilin morën pjesë Halit Bërzeshta, Gjergj Qirjazi, Fehmi Zavalani, Çerçiz Topulli, Mihail Grameno, Nuçi Naçi, etj.

Sipas statutit (Kanonizmës) të komitetit, botuar në Sofje, qëllimi i organizatës ishte “të ngjallurit e Shqipërisë duke mbjellur vëllazërinë, dashurin, bashkimin, duke përdorur çdo vegël për mbrothësinë e kombit dhe të shpëtuarit nga zgjedha edhe errësira në të cilën gjendet sot”.

In the program of the organization (the Committee) included such requirements as official recognition of the Albanian language in state institutions and schools, only the appointment of civil servants in Albanian areas, prohibition of the use of Albanian soldiers from provinces outside Europe etc. As the primary means for their implementation, the Committee considered the armed struggle of fighting units.

Aiming to establish an organization that included all of Albania, the committee “On Freedom Of Albania” who began playing the Central Committee’s role, sent Albanian patriots in various provinces of the country and set up the most important centers of Albanian vilayets branches its local committees with the same name. He also connects with patriotic societies abroad (homeland) and especially those in Bucharest and Sofia to fully support the program and its activities.

By decision of the Secret Committee “On Freedom Of Albania” in spring 1906 was formed in the districts of Korca first armed groups commanded by Bajo Topulli and other armed armed groups that acted during the years 1906 to 1908, in various parts of country.

Pursuits Turkish authorities hampered the committee’s activity as a central body, forced him to move to Bucharest leaders leaving the monastery a local committee.

Formation and operation of the secret committee “for freedom of albania” was evidence of establishment of level of albanian national movement organization.

During efforts to implement reforms in Macedonia and Kosovo, the Albanian National Movement held a big event like the inside (at home) as well as in the Albanian colonies, operating in Sofia, Bucharest etc. This activity was manifested in the permanent establishment of national consciousness, the unification of Albanian democratic progressive forces, as well as in their preparation for war against the Porte on the one hand, on the other hand, against the invading intentions of foreign predatory. At the same time the Albanian National Movement faced with subversive activities of armed fighting units to monarhive neighboring chauvinist which crucified and destroyed entire villages in Thessaloniki villayets, monastery and parts of Kosovo.

With the support of the Greek church and grekomanet, çeta Greek andar, in the Albanian-majority parts were more vulnerable than others. Particularly was imminent danger of great leaders and most prominent activists of our National Movement. Many Albanian villages in the vicinity of Negovani, Florina, Bellkamenit, etc. be found, almost as trapped and in permanent danger.

Patriot Bajram – Bajo Topulli, which at this time was in Thessalonica, after hearing the murder of the great patriot Negovani not left without saying: “physical disappearance of Papa Christos will strengthen patriotism of the Albanian people, adding to some more courage and zeal to work for their rights, contrary to what it felt enemies of the Albanian people. However, he said Bajo, “rrojtja the nation’s risk and that therefore something had to do.” The first step made in this direction Bajo Topulli was his passage from Thessaloniki to Bitola, a town that was transformed in the hearth of the movement of the Albanian people, who were standing in the road kryqzimin the possible connection between Albania and Albanian colonies in Bucharest, Sofia, Istanbul, Thessaloniki, Cairo and elsewhere. In the Vilayet of Bitola in Macedonia respectively,

Me premisat e krijuara brenda dhe jashtë (në koloni) u parashtrua si imperative i kohës formimi i një qendre prej nga më se lehti mund të udhëhiqej luftra për çlirimin kombëtar. Kjo qendër ishte në Manastir, ku ishte përqëndruar një shoqëri patriotike intelektualësh shqiptarë.

Hap i madh në drejtim të luftës për çlirim kombëtar u bë me themelimin e “Komitetit për lirinë e Shqipërisë”, njëqind e dhjet vjetë më parë, në nëtor 1905, me inciativën e Bajram-Bajo Topulli, ndihmës drejtor i gjimnazit të Manastirit. Mbledhja u mbajt në shtëpinë e Gjergj Qiriazit, dragoman i Konsulatës Austro Hungarez në Manastir. Në Komitet u zgjodhën: Halit Bej Berzeshta-  kolonel dhe shef i shërbimit farmaceutik të Kmparmatës III turke; Fehim Bej Zavalani, Bajo Topulli, Gjergj Qirjazi, Sefedin Novosella, Sali Butka, Jashar Bitnicka etj. Në këtë mbledhje si shënohet u bë dhe betimi sipas Kanonizmës që ishte hartuar më parë.

“Kanonizma the mountains” which was adopted at the meeting, was sent to Sofia to be published Shahin columns and Kristo LUARASI. According to the report that the Austrian consul in Bitola Proaska-Goluboski sent to Vienna, no. 10, 27.IV.1906, Article 1 Kanonizmës says: “The purpose of this committee, which was formed in Istanbul of prominent people and real patriots was the resurrection of Albania by expanding brotherhood, love and unity, paving the way for the country’s progress with the help of books, sending people in all Albanian regions to develop these ideas,

In Article 1, except that stated purpose, and states that “the Committee was established in Istanbul”, for which it claims later Bajo Topulli, it helped quite at the time of the operation for which he alone knew. The Committee was newly established, began activities dense in all provinces by sending letters and his missionaries to organize branches or sub-committees in Ioannina, in the Prespa region, in Shkodra, in Florina, Korca, in Kosovo (Djakovica, which came in mission to certain Idriz Jakova), Debar and elsewhere.

For the expansion of the network of committees among the Albanian colonies in Bulgaria and Romania, respectively, for collecting the necessary assistance pledged itself Shahin column. Committee, according to the statement of Fehmi her nature, created branches in the Ottoman army garrison in Bitola among Albanian soldiers and officers, who after a while started to desert the armed units of the armed Çerçiz Topullit. This is evidenced and “Notes Albanian Movement Vilayet of Bitola and Kosovo,” the consul in Bitola AH (appendix) Report (reserves) no. 1, sent to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Vienna on 26. IV. 1906.

In January 1906 Dervish Hima The paper wrote Dr. Ibrahim Temos: “I received a letter from the monastery. There is established a new committee, but for now they are kept hidden. Later they would also send its regulation “. It came to the Central Committee “On freedom of Albania”. In September 1906 Dervish Hima got the news of the murder of the Greek Bishop of Korca by Band of Çerçiz Topullit, who took the decision to Monastir Committee, in response to the murder of Papa Kristo Negovani. Unlike Faik Konica, who attacked the newspaper “Albania” (London), the most offensive expressions, Albanian armed units and freedom fighters, calling them “a bunch bloody vulgar” Dervish Hima welcomed the armed struggle of fighting units headed by Bajo Çerçiz Topulli, written by Dr. Temos October 6, 1906 “It was done to our Albanians that led finally to Paradise Metropolitan of Korca donkeys”. Dervishi also tried directly related to the Bajo Topulli.

Books and newspapers “Light” which convey the activity and all actions taken on the ground Albanian “Committee on Freedom of Albania” came from Sofia with side channels of different hidden connections. These are then distributed them in all areas where it had its branches. For this proves Austrian Proshaska consul and adds that “the Committee distributed books in Skopje, Pristina, Prizren, Gjakova, Peja, Ferizaj, Stream, Kumanovo, Radovishtë, Presevo, Gjilan, Vuciterne Mitrovica, Tetovo, Beranjë, Struga, Debar, etc.

For the progress of the National Movement and the development of education in the Albanian language is spoken in the Romanian consul report in Ioannina, Sebastian Graçeanu, sent to minister to the Romanian foreign affairs, on October 15 1906, which inter alia states that: “In this way there is a strong current in favor of çlirmir these people (Albanians) from the Ottoman yoke. It’s really surprising to arrive early to be educated in their own language, the very young and elderly as well, regular teachers and no books. Already by them entuzuastët the brave formed a party that works diligently in the national sentiment spread among their people. Now even organized armed groups. These are not limited to the opening of Albanian schools but fighting for full autonomy.

Nën ndikimin e Komiteteve të fshehta që ishin krijuar në shumë qytete shqiptar, gjatë vitit 1906 plasën disa turbullira dhe përleshje të armatosura në vilajetin e Shkodrës, të Kosovës dhe të Janinës, në mes kryengritësve shqiptarë dhe të organeve të pushtetit turk.

In the Austrian consul in Bitola Report dated. May 1, 1906, sent the minister in Vienna, said: “In recent months it seems that here happily preparing a twist. Its initiator is the “Society for Albania’s Freedom” and especially its branches in Thessaloniki and Bitola who with more energy and more capacity invasion of Kosovo have begun national idea. Even the return of many exiles who had appropriated the ideas that cross the narrow boundaries of their dwelling, is one of the moments that took advantage of spreading national ideas. Envoys of the Company who since the beginning of this year are going through vilayets, harvest surprising success, primarily in Djakovica. In came Bajram Curri, who returned to Djakovica, which the Turkish government usually held in Skopje. ”

By carefully follow the increasingly thick with the National Liberation Movement activity in 1906, especially after shares of çeta the Bajo of Cerciz Topullit, “Light” Sofia in his article, inter alia writes: “It fills us hope for some time, our national flag will flutter in the mountains of Albania ( “Light”, Sofia, No. 87 20.I.1907). At this time when the paper wrote, Band of Bajos and Qerqiz dimëronte in Sofia and Bucharest. Band together over the winter to prepare new actions, namely that the uprising was planned for spring 1907.

Komiteti i Fshehtë për Çlirmin e Shqipërisë, “Ja vdekje, ja liri” degët e saja si dhe çetat e armatosura kontribuan në ngritjen dhe forcimin e vetëdijes kombëtare në mbarë botën shqiptare, sepse ky Komitet formoi komitet lokale në të gjitha trojet shqiptare. Anëtarët e këtij Komiteti më vonë u bënë edhe antarë të Klubit Qendror “Bashkimi”, i cili ngriti inciativën dhe organizojë Kongresin e Manastirit, në të cilën erdhi e deri të krijimi i Alfabetit. Në këtë mënyrë Komiteti i Fshehtë për Çlirimin e Shqipërisë hapi rrugën drrejt bashkimit të shqipëtarëve, që solli Pavarsinë e Shqipërisë më 28 Nëntor 1912. Pikërisht këtu qëndron edhe roli i Komitetit, që në nëntorin e sivjetshëm (2015) duhet të kremtohet në Manastir me rastin e 110 vjetorit..

Nentor 2015
